2021 Performance Art Workshop Exchange with Suwa Seiryo High and Methodist Girls' School

In May this year, the Sec/Yr 3 Art students had the opportunity to have an exchange programme with Art students from Suwa Seiryo High School amd teacher Noboru. 

Conducted by teacher-artist Mrs Natasha Tay, and translated by Daisuke, students learnt and understand performance art through getting acquainted with the artist’s body by performing the self and through intermediality. They were introduced to a variety of international artists, specifically some Japanese and Singapore performance artists to facilitate a meaningful exchange. From artists who focused on using their body as a main medium to using materials of technology as a channel of communication, students experienced performance through referencing Erwin Wurm’s as a hands-on exercise in the first workshop session. This built confidence and energy for the second session which required collaboration with their peers to do a piece of performance art using words as stimuli. This eventually turned into meaning making and storytelling for their works. The girls had a tremendously enjoyable time getting to know one another, watching and learning from one another perform and appreciating another culture all at the same time. Technology has indeed opened up this possibility to connect across borders easily, making learning fun and exciting. 

今年の5月、Sec/Yre 3 Artの生徒たちは、諏訪清陵高校のArtの生徒たちとNoboru先生との交流プログラムの機会を得ました。
