Nia Pushkarova

Nia Pushkarova (Bulgaria) is an artist, festival organizer and founder of NGO IME since 2004. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Pushkorva holds BA Honors in Fine Arts, Reading University, UK and art management diploma from ICCM, Salzburg, Austria. Since 2006 she thought of initiating some sort of action around an abandoned water tower in Sofia, of its undisputed character and beauty. Just passing it by every day doing nothing, seeing how it decays with time left her with the conviction that something has to be done. Gradually through the years and a lot of effort form coworkers and volunteers she managed to turn this initiative into an internationally recognized festival in Bulgaria. The importance of making this festival is in its synergy with the local needs and their adequacy in Bulgaria and the ever inquisitive mind of artists in order to live better life – pointing out to problems, no matter how uncomfortable they may be to some. NIa has studied in UK and graduated from fine art department of Reading University, UK in 1995, when she consciously decided to return to Bulgaria. By participating and collaborating in exchange of ideas she believes that art can overcome the stagnation of nowadays politics cultural and social life. By doing all this she believes we can help change the local mentality for the better via overcoming prejudices, bringing tolerance towards “ others” including social interactions through arts. Being an artist you have the visa for the world.


ニア・プシュコルヴァ(ブルガリア)は、ブルガリア、ソフィア生まれのアーティスト兼フェスティバルオーガナイザー。1995年、英国リーディング大学美術学士課程終了、ICCM(オーストリア、ザルツブルク)にてアートメネジメントディプロマ取得。芸術は、偏見を克服し「他者」に寛容になることで、現代の政治文化や社会生活の停滞を克服し、地域に還元できる、という信念から英国での大学卒業後に母国ブルガリアに帰国。2004年より非営利団体IMEの創設者兼ディレクター。2006年以来、ソフィアにある廃墟の給水塔を利用した「Water Tower Art Festival」を地域ボランティアと共に立ち上げる。このイニシアティブは、国際的に認知されるまでになった。